I was born in Leiden, the Netherlands, and first became excited about the ancient world and (ancient) philosophy studying Latin and ancient Greek in high school, at the Bonaventura College. For my undergraduate degree I majored in Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam, and followed this up with an MA in Journalism. After working as a journalist for a few years for the Dutch national newspaper NRC, I decided to go back to school for an MA in Philosophy, and, soon after, to move to New York City. There I ended up, after some twists and turns, pursuing a PhD in Classics at New York University. I successfully defended my dissertation Playful Piety: Lucian and the Comic in Ancient Religious Experience in 2015. In that same year I took up a position as a post-doctoral researcher and lecturer at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, contributing to the OIKOS Anchoring Innovation Pilot Project ‘After the Crisis’. In 2018-2019 I taught as senior lecturer at Dartmouth College in Hanover (NH), moving to my current position as Assistant Professor of Classics at the University of Virginia in 2019. A full CV including a list of publications and courses taught, is available here.